ll right Guys,
It is time for a reality check.
The past 2-12 years work for me has gone from bad to worse .
The phone has not been ringing at all .
The money form my 1/18th sales has been paying the bills augmented by me selling my pickelhaube collection.
3 weeks ago I hired on to a granite shop working as a " field superintendent"
They told me I wouldn't have to hump the stone but they lied , but the pay is good .
Hopefully I can get caught up on my bills .
What does that mean for the HIND build ?
I now can only work on the project ON WEEK ENDS ONLY
Considering that the paint master ha taken 250 hours to build , there will not be an end in sight to complete .
I thought that one unit would take 80 hours to complete and reality it is taking 3 times that to complete.
I just had a 4 day weekend for final assembly and I am not done yet !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Board member Tom E . has been a Saint on this project helping me out financially.
He has actually paid 3 times my asking price on the full builds.
Considering all of this I reluctantly HAVE TO INCREASE THE PRICE OF THE FULL BUILDS TO
That is an additional $650 .
That being said I know some of you guys will want your money back ( hopefully not all)
Those of you guys who are willing to pony up , I will take your additional payment and reimburse the guys who want their money back.
If there is nobody who is willing to do this I will continue to sell off my pickelhaubes to pay for the returns.
I am truly sorry for this for you guys who have waited years with nothing to show for it, but I am one guy and I do want to do the right thing.
I have never ripped anybody off in this hobby and I am not going to start.
PM me or e-mail me at