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Mar 14, 2011
You know, I tried to avoid posting here cause part of this is gonna make me look like "That guy". You know, the guy that really doesn't understand, and is selfish and obnoxious about it.

So, let me get this straight first: I can relate. My dad's got cancer, and while I do not have it myself, I'm apparently at risk genetically. I see what it can do, and what the treatment can do to a person. Daily. I don't doubt you were horribly sick, and that your life was at risk. I'm glad you're on the mend, because I wouldn't wish anything so horrible to happen to anyone.

That said, I know the chemicals that are used in the casting process aren't good for you, and that means trying to cut deals with people who are quite possibly not all that pleased with things that have happened. People who have no responsibility to fulfill orders that haven't been done, to keep promises that haven't been kept. And I'll sit here and read how everyone's going to wish you well, and repeat the same thing that it's just toys, and to get better first.

I agree. It's just toys. So get better. But I don't want my toys anymore. I paid for services rendered. Services weren't rendered. I placed 2 orders over a year ago and while it only totaled about 50 bucks, I'd rather you continue to heal, and send my money back.

I won't say I speak for everyone, and I won't name any names, but I know and have spoken to other people who feel the same way. Get better, but give us our money back.

Y'all can hate on me if you want, but I'd rather speak up so it's in the open.

a very valid and respect argument in my opinion. I agree that if you have placed in order that is way behind the scheduled time and now you no longer need or want that order. You're entitled to ask for a refund.

Also, Your such a Dick :D


"Big Guns"
I really like the not-cat-beast head he's got (I assume it's molded from a SHS figure, but I can't say for sure). And I ordered several of the serpent chest plates for some other customs I have planned. And the smoking Nick Fury. And a trench coat for Madrox.

I might have to place another order for that new Forge head...


Aug 18, 2012
Has anyone ordered from Vortious Customs?

I have, I got one of his figure kits... and I've been talking with him on modding a couple things for him to cast. I don' tknow if it was sent to me because we were talking, but when I got the figure kit, it was all in the casting trees still and I had to cut them all apart. I read somewhere he posted that he does this to save money for the buyers, but if that's the case, he should make sure people know, as I'd hate for it to piss people off when they're expecting a full completed cast figure and they get a baggie of blue parts.

Other than that, he was real quick to cast my stuff I sent him and send back. Real friendly too, and I like the softness of some of his stuff, reminds me of hasbro/factory plastic.


Aug 18, 2012
Shield Agents that serve under Fury?

This kit includes everything you need to make your Secret Agents that serve under the Stogie smoking Secret Agent General
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Replicator of Toys
Officer Club
Mar 15, 2011
New Orleans
I am not sure if I am a caster or not but I think I will weigh in.

This post has been an emotional roller coaster.

I for one have filled 100 % 0f all of my orders I have taken on,

Now I did have a guy wait 12 + months to get his order.

During his wait I asked if he would like his money back he said that he would wait.
I for one tell people of there status on their order. My real work comes first and I tell them that first.

That is the point communication if you do not have that people get pissed.

Sitting at home waiting with no news is bad for every one.

This situation would have been a lot better if there was news on Dave.

At any time anyone can ask for their money back , but to tell you the truth when we get money for orders that money usually goes back into the business to buy more resin or RTV.

The project I am currently working on has taken over $1,000 worth of RTV.

This was paid for by deposits.

If any of those guys wants their deposits back , I just do not have the money to pay them back.

Now we have a guy who has contracted cancer and who has already stated that the disease has put him in a bad financial situation.

So given that paying back the money may not be realistic.

So the other option is to make the orders good but be forthcoming with info and progress so nobody thinks here we go again.

Giga Bread

Mega Calories!
Aug 20, 2011
I am not sure if I am a caster or not but I think I will weigh in.

This post has been an emotional roller coaster.

I for one have filled 100 % 0f all of my orders I have taken on,

Now I did have a guy wait 12 + months to get his order.

During his wait I asked if he would like his money back he said that he would wait.
I for one tell people of there status on their order. My real work comes first and I tell them that first.

That is the point communication if you do not have that people get pissed.

Sitting at home waiting with no news is bad for every one.

This situation would have been a lot better if there was news on Dave.

At any time anyone can ask for their money back , but to tell you the truth when we get money for orders that money usually goes back into the business to buy more resin or RTV.

The project I am currently working on has taken over $1,000 worth of RTV.

This was paid for by deposits.

If any of those guys wants their deposits back , I just do not have the money to pay them back.

Now we have a guy who has contracted cancer and who has already stated that the disease has put him in a bad financial situation.

So given that paying back the money may not be realistic.

So the other option is to make the orders good but be forthcoming with info and progress so nobody thinks here we go again.

Well, I've heard Dave's been bartering for help to fill orders. He's supposedly been teaching people and loaning molds and supplies in exchange for help but some have run out on him. At least that's what I'm hearing and that leads me to believe the money isn't there to pay people back.

At the same time, there's more than enough evidence that there are just bad customers out there.


"Big Guns"
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think Dave has stated over at the ARAH forum that the money is long gone, and given the situation I'm neither surprised nor upset. Who among us wouldn't use every penny if we were fighting a potentially fatal illness?

My beef was never with the slowness or the fact that he stopped due to illness. It's lack of communication and leaving people in the dark that really gets people riled up.

I'm owed plenty from both SDS and Club ARAH, and maybe I'll get it, maybe I won't. I give him credit for coming on here, owning up to the issues, and saying that he's attempting to slowly make everything right. That's all I ever wanted and could ask for (you know, aside from actually getting the parts).

People here and at C-ARAH all say he's an upstanding guy, and if GB is correct that he's taking on extra work to try to get back on track, then god bless him. That's more than most would do I suspect.


Mar 14, 2011
Mt Airy, MD
I don't live that far from Dave. I'm going to see if there's anything I can do to help out and get parts to people who've ordered.


Aug 1, 2011
New Joisey
I've offered to help him cast stuff numerous times. Not *technically* the parts that are owed at this point, but over the years I've bugged him more times than I can remember to let me help him, especially at first. He sent me my first pressure pot and molds (as I've already discussed here) and I've always felt that I owed him for that... which is a big reason why I offered to fill any missing orders if I had the parts required. Again, never heard from a single person about that offer.

But if I could ever get in touch with him, because he never returns my calls or texts lol, I'll gladly offer to help cast parts that he needs cast to fill orders, either for the SDS stuff or for the club subscription figures.


gobbles a LOT of cock
Mar 14, 2011
S.E. Mich :(
I honestly think, that at its core (just like with the rest of humanity) this custom community is a good one, but life gets in the way and most often times comes first...yeah, you've got your wackos, but most of us are good people and don't do anything with ill intent...

As many have said, some simple communication goes a LONG way though...


Jun 27, 2011
Let me try and explain something best I can. First and for most, I didn't ask for cancer to enter my life, and I sure in hell didn't know it was coming. I had been having some issues for over 7 years with just tumors, each time I went thru what I had to do, and I got back on my feet, sometimes able to work thru it with lil to no problem.

This time, I was in remission I was supposed to be doing fine. I was working as normal, and we were busy as all hell with SDS. I did not do all the cast work, but I did most of it. We had set amount of capital come in, and I had a huge over head. I paid a full time sculptor, I had a small studio, that was not cheap, i had an employee who I paid to do the cast work I was not. So long and short i had Bills for SDS.

We had a huge problem with shipping, and more then 1 or 2 times, did a shit load of packages get messed up. I cant control that as well. What happens once in the hands of the post office, well its just that. I dont need to lie or make up a story on what happens, I can only give what i know as a reason. if i fucked up and it was just my mistake, I owned that.

Excuses are just that, reasons however are tad different. I didnt send out 20 or 30 or 100 orders a week, we sent out 300 to 400 orders when we shipped.

After molds are shot and orders are sent, if there is a problem, lost or broken order, I then have to remake the molds and recast. All while i start the next phase of our operation. I spent more time on slayer then anything in my life.

Now when the bombshell hit, it rocked me. I started out with small bouts of memory loss, headaches and just not feeling well. when The C bomb was at its worse, it put me in the hospital, and treatment was started right away.

I had a few times I thought and i would post that i was getting better, and then not the case. Chemo reacts different to us all, and each time exposed it may react different, which was the case. I had already paid all my over head, bought my supplys and began work, when everything stopped.

Would I really go out of my way to post on boards all over the place, pay for sponsorships, give parts a s prizes to folks, and try and help fill a void with original parts, just to fade away and hope no one would notice. I wouldn't, I have been trying for 7 years to find the right balance to bring original parts to the community, all while having a life ,another job, and being a care taker to my parents.

I dealt with depression like you wouldn't even believe, I wanted so bad to just eat a bullet and be done, i didn't have the fight in me this time. And it proved to be true, my body didn't have the fight for me to go on like nothing was wrong, or something was and I could ignore it. I could not , it consumed my whole life.

The biggest part of what I am going thru know is the financial . Its killed my family business as well, and now its time to just hold my head as high as I can and try and get back to normal.

You dont survive something like this just to be normal over nite, it takes time. Not something I like to do, I like to try and make everything work and get things done.

For folks that know me on a personal level, know I am a very giving person, hell i did trades where I just gave shit to folks. When slayer-con was a go, i gave parts for less then half the price . It was never about the making of the money it was about supplying the community.

I failed at that, I get it, I owe and its wrong how things went down. I didn't know i was going to get the cancer back, I didn't know it would take over the whole side of my skull and my eye. it just did.

Do I need to say sorry i got sick and let everybody down, I don't think I do. I wouldn't ask that of somebody, I wouldn't kick somebody while there down. Could I have posted more, Yes. Should i have posted more, Yes. but honestly to some no matter what I would have said would have made no difference.

I am not gone, I am back, and I am working on things, how long and when I will be caught up, I don't know, but I will continue to post updates.

Not sure what else I can say, and not sure what else needs to be said. I have been Honest and put more of my life out there ,then I wanted to .

Vent, I get that....keep doing it, it doesnt always help to get things done any quicker. some things are bigger and out of hands more then others.

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Mar 14, 2011
Mt Airy, MD
For folks that know me on a personal level, know I am a very giving person, hell i did trades where I just gave shit to folks. When slayer-con was a go, i gave parts for less then half the price . It was never about the making of the money it was about supplying the community.

I can vouch for this.

Hang in there, Dave - I think most people are going to be pretty understanding, particularly once they realize how hard this hit you. As for those who aren't? Not much you can do there.


I am what I am
Apr 19, 2011
York, Pa
I can vouch for this.

Hang in there, Dave - I think most people are going to be pretty understanding, particularly once they realize how hard this hit you. As for those who aren't? Not much you can do there.

I too can vouch for that. Heck, the first time I met Dave he took me and Dark Wynter out to eat, his treat. It was a blast!

Mandingo Rex

Mar 14, 2011
Gone Baby, Gone
Yeah, I don't get where the angst comes from, but to each his own. After about six months, I wrote off my "missing order" as a loss. Like I've said countless times before, I want my parts but when it comes to someone's health over tiny plastic parts, I can be an adult about it. Customizing is a hobby-within-a-hobby for me, not a business, and besides slight loss of enjoyment by not completing several customs I had in queue, I'm not out any hardships. And to keep it bothering me, well, that would just ruin one of my few hobbies, which is about fun, not stress.

Dave and Jesse both have outstanding orders for me as of this writing. I wish no ill will to either of them, as they've been polite when they do reply and I am well aware of their health issues and the fact that personal shit can build up and snowball, and put folks (even the most well-intentioned) behind schedule, if not totally underwater for awhile. This doesn't negate my disappointment at not getting product-paid-for, but I simply can't fathom generally being heatedly angry at folks.

I've chatted a bit via email with Dave and did a lengthy interview with him, and met Jesse at SDCC this past year. Both are into this because they love it, and what saddens me the most is that turning a hobby into a business can quite possibly deteriorate getting any enjoyment out of it. That to me is saddest thing about the situation, second only to personal hardships and/or health issues.

Now, the USPS on the other hand, those guys can eat a lifetime supply of dicks!


Caution: Troll Ahead!
Mar 14, 2011
Plainfield, IL
Yeah, well.. are we surprised? I mean, I'm guilty of doing it again.. but last time, my wait was only a couple months. So though I read all the problems others were having with him, mine came fairly fast.. considering. But this time, it's well beyond that and my order was still small. I've emailed him, no response. I'll probably send another if I don't get a response or see the shipping status change soon.


Teabagging Ninja
Feb 16, 2012
yep, not surprised at all. After my own personal experiences, he'll never see a red cent from me again

Captain Charisma

The Cult Of Personality
Aug 8, 2012