Good choice. Personally I'm just going to wait for Retaliation 3-pack Beachhead.
I do enjoy that BH. Color combination kind of makes him one dimensional.
Would you rather have the collectors club paint him for ya?
That doesn't reallu prove anything. He could have bought that on eBay and then bought those other items in the store and took the picture at home. The picture either needs to be zoomed out to show the pegs or we need a receipt. Then I will believe it. I'm not one to normally scream "Fake!", but only $4.99 and being sold in a new store both seem odd to me. Plus my hopefully thinking since the nearest Marshall's is 100 miles away. If it does turn out to be Marshall's then I really hope it's also TJ Maxx because I have at least a few of those nearby.
And get a neon turd?
Think of it. He'll be neon pink, with a bright piss yellow lazer gun, and play-dough for web gear.
And people would drop $100 for it
VA tanker was right,
picked up SE, Duke, CC, and officer
somone beat me to shippy and SS
Why are these popping up at Marshall's instead of Dollar General?
Are you asking if my question is serious, or are you agreeing that it's inexplicable?
Why are these popping up at Marshall's instead of Dollar General?
Marshall's visit tmrw!...waste of time though...there's got to be either a HT Joe hoarder near me or a scalper or both...everywhere I go, Joes are almost always cleaned out
If you guys do find them, I'm in great need of ONE ship wreck. I would gladly purchase him
Same here
From my cold, dead hands!
If you guys do find them, I'm in great need of ONE ship wreck. I would gladly purchase him
From my cold, dead hands!
I need to move out of this nice neighborhood and go back to some shitty areas so I can have these stores
I need to move out of this nice neighborhood and go back to some shitty areas so I can have these stores
Really?!'d pay us?!...we couldn't just give you the most popular DG figure to come along?!, yer that bestest! kidding...though IF I'm lucky enough to score more than what I need (I'll be lucky to ever see one) I'd be glad to help out anyone I can with the DG figs... area used to be nice...then the cockroaches spread out of the hood and are slowly creeping closer and closer to us...stupid housing market crash making my once nice city affordable to scum and people who have no respect for ANYTHING...
Hit my closest marshalls today, and surprise surprise, there was jack shit, unless you count some fisher price toys and a couple of bayformers from two movies ago, all of which looked like they had been run over by a forklift.
You guys must have a different class of marshalls than we do. Mine just sells clothes that k-mart shoppers wouldn't be seen in, and lots and lots of cheap off-brand pantyhose. That's it. I'm ashamed to even set foot in the store.