Holy Mackerel!
I will definitely be getting a couple sets once its all ready. Can't wait to see the full kit!
I will definitely be getting a couple sets once its all ready. Can't wait to see the full kit!
Hey Picklehaub,
Awesome set as usual.
That "thing" on the bumper is not a jamming device.
It was nicknamed the "rhino". It is a counter-IED tool but specific to a certain threat but did not jam. The jammer antennae most have seen are the really fat antennas...but there are also diff jammers that use diff antennae.
Awesome work again.
Looks real good. We may not get along, but you do some damn fine work, Pickel!
What d-rings are you talk'n bout Pickel?
I'm down for 2 complete kits for sure, money's no problem! These are awesome !!!