Despite how much I find the idea of normal 5 PoA Joes to be an abomination, I broke my boycott of regular ReAction figures b/c amazon put the "Arctic Rescue Vehicle" (aka, the Blind Woodsman with sled and sled-dogs) at its lowest price ever ($38), and I had gift cards to blow. I convinced myself that I didn't need the woodsman to be more than a static piece b/c he doesn't do much, despite having an iconic scene in the original mini. And surprisingly, the sled dogs have more articulation than the people (all four legs and lots of head articulation). I mean, it's not like we're ever going to see that character released in ANY other form, so it's either 5 PoA or nothing.
The gimmick glowing snake eyes still sucks donkey balls, and according to the one review I watched, he doesn't even glow as advertised, not even a little bit. Guy took him out in the sun for 10min, brought him back in, flipped off the lights, and nothing but pitch black. But I didn't buy the set for him anyway, and I fully expect he'll be a candidate for a ReAction+ release at some point, so no big loss.
Then I was also reminded by amazon that I had already broken my ReAction boycott last year during Prime Days when I bought another set on super-sale... the City of the Dead set. I also rationalized that it was less about action figures and more of a set piece with the terracotta warriors that most just stand there as statues. So I found and opened that one up finally, and it's exactly what I expected, figures that look good as static set pieces.
I still think 5 PoA sucks, but the sunbow goodness for these hella-obscure, episode specific releases is tough to ignore. After getting Ramar and the Fatal Fluffies this week, I'm ready for all the ReAction+ S7 wants to throw out. Nostalgia knob cranked to 11.