While I only get about half of the MOTU figures, I will NEVER buy into their subscription because they don't tell you what's in it. I'm not going to drop that kind of cash on what could be nine or ten duds.
That being said, looking at the quality of the figure designs, as well as the awesome update to the wind raider, I'll likely take the pre-order plunge if the design sketches look good. While they may be scraping the bottom of the barrel character-wise, the designs have been out of the park.
I look at it this differently than the figure subscriptions. Those are blind, as in you don't have a clue what you're getting. For figures, we're just begging for names (and not getting them). This is a bit different, in that we know inherently what we're getting, just not all the specifics or advanced prototypes. I can understand not wanting to sculpt and proto something this big without some certainty that there is real demand.
I'm the last person to defend mattel, as I think they do an extraordinarily shitty job managing this line. However, the 4H have produced nothing but top-notch designs, and if they put their name on a castle grayskull, then I'm going to get on board.