Sooo, we need to discuss how the free stretch goals are going to be distributed. NSA and I have chatted about this a little bit, and here's my thoughts on how to handle it.
Both bundles get three of each unlocked goal for free. I still think NSA and I should keep a set each for organizing, fronting the money and shipping everything. That leaves two sets, and there's a LOT of stretch goals that were unlocked. The first post has been updated with all of the stretch goals that were unlocked both in order and by color, if you want to refresh your memory.
Other than NSA and me (and ignoring that WVMojo is in both groups), that leaves us with seven people in each group, which means that everyone can get one complete set of accessories in some color (and it works out that everyone gets a color to match at least one of their ordered figures, as well - I've already worked out the distribution for my bundle, assuming no one changes their figure orders).
So we can break up the accessories that way, and have the leftovers get donated to the site for contests and/or reviews, or distribute those as well, or we can go another route. It's a starting point, though. Let me know what you think.
We have twice as many free figures coming as I was expecting even 24 hours ago, though (currently 2x each of Green, Blue, White and Red). My thought was originally to give everyone a set of accessories and donate the figures to the site, but we have enough figures that everyone could get a free set of accessories AND a free figure, and still donate a figure to the site for reviews/contests from each bundle. What do you guys think?
Ultimately, it's up to those of us who chipped in for this (although suggestions from others are welcome), so let us know your thoughts.